Best Practices for Salesforce Classic to Lightning Migration

Salesforce Lightning is a modern user interface that enhances the overall user experience and is the future of the Salesforce platform. Contacting a company offering Salesforce Integration Services will make the migration process smooth.

Here are some best practices for a successful migration from Salesforce Classic to Lightning:

  1. Plan Ahead: Before starting the migration process, plan ahead by analyzing your current Salesforce Classic setup, identifying any customizations or integrations that may be impacted by the migration, and creating a migration plan.
  2. Evaluate your Org: Evaluate your org to determine if it is ready for the migration to Lightning. You can use Salesforce’s Lightning Experience Readiness Check tool to help determine your org’s readiness.
  3. Communicate with Stakeholders: Communicate the migration plan to all stakeholders in advance to manage expectations and ensure a smooth transition.
  4. Perform a Pilot Test: Before rolling out Lightning to all users, perform a pilot test with a small group of users to identify any potential issues or challenges.
  5. Update Customizations: Review and update customizations, including Visualforce pages and custom buttons, to ensure compatibility with Lightning.
  6. Optimize Lightning Features: Optimize your Lightning features and take advantage of new capabilities, such as customizable dashboards and in-app guidance.
  7. Train your Users: Provide training and support to your users to ensure a smooth transition to Lightning.
  8. Monitor Adoption: Monitor user adoption of Lightning and provide ongoing support to ensure that users are comfortable with the new interface.

By following these best practices, you can ensure a successful migration from Salesforce Classic to Lightning and take advantage of the enhanced user experience and new features of the Lightning platform. While you can complete the migration process on your own, a company providing Salesforce Integration Consulting Services will be able to help you streamline the migration process better.

Now that you know a little about the practices, it’s time to explore each in more detail.

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is a crucial step in a successful Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration. Here are some specific things you can do to prepare for the migration:

Analyze your Current Salesforce Classic Setup: Take a close look at your existing Salesforce Classic setup, including customizations, integrations, and business processes. Identify any customizations or integrations that may be impacted by the migration to Lightning and create a plan to address them.

Set Goals for the Migration: Define your goals and objectives for the migration to Lightning. What do you hope to achieve by migrating to Lightning? What benefits do you expect to see?

Create a Migration Plan: Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the migration process, including timelines, resources, and responsibilities. Identify any potential roadblocks and develop contingency plans.

Get Buy-in from Stakeholders: Involve all relevant stakeholders, including executives, IT, and end-users, in the planning process. Get buy-in from all parties and communicate the migration plan clearly and frequently.

Establish a Testing Environment: Create a testing environment that mirrors your production environment, so you can test the migration process and identify any potential issues or challenges.

Review and Update Documentation: Review and update any existing documentation, including user manuals and training materials, to ensure they are up-to-date and compatible with Lightning.

By taking the time to plan ahead, you can minimize disruption to your business processes and ensure a smooth transition to Lightning. A well-planned migration can also help you maximize the benefits of the new platform and achieve your business objectives.

Evaluate your Org

To evaluate your Salesforce org’s readiness for a migration from Classic to Lightning, you can use Salesforce’s Lightning Experience Readiness Check tool. This tool analyzes your org and provides a report that highlights any potential issues or areas of concern. Here’s how to use the tool:

  • Log in to your Salesforce org and navigate to the Lightning Experience Readiness Check page in Setup.
  • Click the “Check Your Readiness” button to start the evaluation.
  • The tool will analyze your org’s metadata and configuration to identify any potential issues that may affect your migration to Lightning. This may take a few minutes to complete.
  • After the analysis is complete, you’ll receive a report that outlines any potential issues or areas of concern, such as unsupported customizations, unsupported features, or data quality issues.
  • Review the report and use it to identify any issues that need to be addressed before migrating to Lightning.
  • Address any identified issues, such as removing unsupported customizations, updating Visualforce pages to be compatible with Lightning, or cleaning up your data.
  • Run the Lightning Experience Readiness Check again to verify that all issues have been resolved.

By using the Lightning Experience Readiness Check tool, you can quickly identify any potential issues or areas of concern that may impact your migration to Lightning. Addressing these issues in advance can help ensure a smooth and successful migration to the new platform.

Sample Migration Plan

Here’s a sample migration plan for stakeholders to help ensure a successful Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration:

Goal and Objectives: Define your goal and objectives for the migration, such as improving user adoption and increasing efficiency.

Communication Plan: Develop a communication plan that outlines how you will inform stakeholders about the migration, what they need to know, and how they can provide feedback. Consider holding a kickoff meeting to discuss the migration plan and answer any questions.

Timeline: Create a timeline for the migration that includes key milestones, such as testing, training, and rollout. Share the timeline with stakeholders to manage expectations and ensure everyone is aligned.

Resources: Identify the resources that will be required to complete the migration, such as personnel, technology, and training. Allocate resources appropriately to ensure a successful migration.

Risk Assessment: Perform a risk assessment to identify any potential risks or roadblocks that could impact the migration. Develop contingency plans for each risk to minimize disruption.

Testing Plan: Develop a testing plan to ensure that the migration is successful and that all systems and processes are functioning as expected. Identify a testing team and schedule adequate time for testing.

Training Plan: Develop a training plan that outlines how users will be trained on the new Lightning interface. Consider developing training materials, holding training sessions, and providing ongoing support.

Rollout Plan: Develop a rollout plan that outlines how you will transition users from Classic to Lightning. Consider rolling out the new interface in phases to minimize disruption and provide targeted support. Salesforce Integration Consulting is the best way to go about the plan in the right manner.

Monitoring and Support: Develop a plan for monitoring user adoption and providing ongoing support. Consider holding regular check-ins with stakeholders to identify any issues or challenges and address them quickly.

By following a comprehensive migration plan and involving stakeholders at every step, you can ensure a successful transition from Salesforce Classic to Lightning.

Pilot Testing Best Practices

Here are some best practices for conducting pilot testing during a Salesforce Classic to Lightning migration:

Define the Scope: Define the scope of the pilot test, including the users, features, and use cases that will be included. Ensure that the scope is manageable and representative of the broader user population.

Select Pilot Users: Select a group of users to participate in the pilot test. Consider selecting users from different departments and with different levels of experience with Salesforce.

Communicate the Purpose and Expectations: Communicate the purpose of the pilot test to the selected users and set clear expectations for their participation. Explain the benefits of the new Lightning experience and how their feedback will be used to improve the migration process.

Provide Training: Provide training to the pilot users on the new Lightning experience and any new features that are being introduced. Ensure that they have the necessary resources and support to complete the pilot test successfully.

Develop Test Scenarios: Develop test scenarios that are aligned with the scope of the pilot test. Ensure that the scenarios are comprehensive and cover all relevant features and use cases.

Collect Feedback: Collect feedback from the pilot users on their experience with the new Lightning interface. Use a combination of surveys, interviews, and observation to gather feedback.

Analyze Results: Analyze the results of the pilot test and identify any issues or areas of improvement. Use the feedback to make any necessary changes to the migration plan before rolling out the new Lightning interface to the broader user population.

Provide Feedback to Pilot Users: Provide feedback to the pilot users on their participation in the pilot test and how their feedback was used to improve the migration process. Thank them for their contributions.

By following these best practices for pilot testing, you can ensure that the new Lightning interface meets the needs of your users and is successfully adopted across the organization.

Train your Users – Best Practices

Here are some best practices for training your users on the new Lightning interface in Salesforce:

Start with a Kickoff Meeting: Hold a kickoff meeting to introduce the new Lightning interface and explain the benefits of the upgrade. This meeting can help set the stage for the training and create excitement among users.

Identify Different user Groups: Identify the different user groups that will be using Salesforce and their specific needs. Tailor your training materials and approach to each group’s needs.

Provide Hands-on Training: Provide hands-on training to help users become familiar with the new Lightning interface. Consider providing online training modules or live training sessions that allow users to practice using Salesforce in a safe environment.

Use Real-Life Scenarios: Use real-life scenarios to help users understand how to use Salesforce in their day-to-day work. This approach can help users see how Salesforce can be used to solve business problems and make their work easier.

Provide Ongoing Support: Provide ongoing support to users after the training is complete. Consider creating a user community or a help desk to help users troubleshoot issues and answer questions.

Encourage Feedback: Encourage users to provide feedback on the training and the new Lightning interface. Use the feedback to identify areas of improvement and make any necessary changes to the training or the interface.

Reinforce Training: Reinforce the training by providing regular updates on the new features and how they can be used. Consider creating a knowledge base or providing regular emails or newsletters that highlight the features and their benefits.

By following these best practices, you can help ensure that your users are comfortable and confident using the new Lightning interface in Salesforce. This can help improve user adoption and drive business results.

Optimize Lightning Features – Best Practices

Here are some best practices for optimizing Lightning features in your Salesforce org:

Evaluate your Org: Before optimizing Lightning features, evaluate your org’s readiness for Lightning by using Salesforce’s Lightning Experience Readiness Check. Identify any issues that need to be addressed before optimizing Lightning features.

Understand the Features: Familiarize yourself with the Lightning features that are available in Salesforce. Review the Salesforce documentation and attend training sessions to learn how to use the features effectively.

Customize Lightning Pages: Use Lightning App Builder to customize your Lightning pages and tailor them to the needs of your users. Consider adding or removing components to improve the user experience.

Automate Processes: Use Lightning Flow to automate repetitive processes and reduce manual effort. Identify processes that can be automated and design flows that streamline those processes.

Leverage Lightning Components: Use Lightning components to enhance your Lightning pages and improve the user experience. Consider creating custom components that address specific business needs.

Monitor Performance: Monitor the performance of your Lightning pages and identify any issues or areas of improvement. Use tools like the Lightning Usage App to track usage and identify areas where performance can be improved.

Train Users: Provide training to your users on how to use the new Lightning features effectively. Consider creating training materials, holding training sessions, and providing ongoing support.

Gather Feedback: Collect feedback from your users on their experience with the new Lightning features. Use the feedback to identify areas of improvement and make any necessary changes to optimize the features.

By following these best practices, you can optimize the Lightning features in your Salesforce org and improve the user experience.

Monitor Adoption – Best Practices

Here are some best practices for monitoring adoption of the new Lightning interface in Salesforce:

Define Adoption Metrics: Define the metrics that you will use to measure adoption of the new Lightning interface. These metrics could include things like the number of users who have logged in to the new interface, the number of activities completed using the new interface, or the number of reports created using the new interface.

Set Adoption Goals: Set adoption goals for the new Lightning interface based on the metrics that you have defined. These goals should be specific, measurable, and achievable.

Monitor Usage: Use Salesforce’s built-in reporting and analytics tools to monitor usage of the new Lightning interface. Monitor usage on a regular basis and compare it to your adoption goals to identify areas where adoption is lagging.

Identify Barriers to Adoption: Identify any barriers to adoption of the new Lightning interface, such as lack of training, resistance to change, or technical issues. Address these barriers as quickly as possible to improve adoption.

Provide Ongoing Training and Support: Provide ongoing training and support to users to help them get the most out of the new Lightning interface. Consider creating a user community or a help desk to provide users with support and answer their questions.

Communicate Progress: Communicate progress on adoption goals to stakeholders on a regular basis. Use this communication to celebrate successes, identify areas where improvement is needed, and keep stakeholders informed of the benefits of the new Lightning interface.

Continuously Improve: Continuously improve adoption by identifying areas where improvements can be made and taking action to address those areas. Consider gathering feedback from users on a regular basis to identify areas where improvements can be made.

By following these best practices, you can monitor adoption of the new Lightning interface and ensure that users are fully leveraging its features and benefits. This can help drive business results and improve the overall user experience. You can contact a company offering Salesforce Integration Services in USA that will help you with salesforce integration or migration.

Author: CloudFountain

We started as a side business in 1999 and have since grown to become a leading provider of IT solutions for businesses. With around 30 employees across several countries, we offer a wide range of services, including IT support, hosting, and custom software development.Over the years, we have served approximately 1000 customers, ranging from small startups to large enterprises. Our mission is to provide cutting-edge technology solutions that help our clients achieve their business goals. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and attention to detail, and we work closely with each client to understand their unique needs and provide tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements.At CloudFountain, we believe that technology can be a powerful tool for growth and success. That’s why we stay on top of the latest trends and advancements in the industry, so we can provide our clients with the best possible solutions. Whether you need IT support, hosting services, or custom software development, our team of experts is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business succeed.