Categories Software Development

Salesforce Lightning Best Practices – How to Plan your App Development?

Salesforce Lightning Best Practices - How to Plan your App Development

Planning your app development is a critical step that helps you ensure the success of your Salesforce Lightning application. As a Salesforce application development company in boston, we have compiled some steps to help you plan your app development.

Planning Salesforce App Development

  • Define Your Objectives: Start by defining the objectives of your Salesforce Lightning application. Identify the business problem that your application is solving and define the desired outcomes.
  • Identify Your Target Audience: Who will be using your application, and what are their needs and pain points? Understanding your target audience helps you develop an application that meets their specific requirements.
  • Define Your Functional Requirements: Define the functional requirements of your application. What features and functionality does your application need to have to meet your objectives and satisfy your target audience?
  • Prioritize Your Requirements: Prioritize your functional requirements based on their importance and urgency. This helps you focus on the most important features and functionality during development.
  • Choose Your Technology Stack: Choose your technology stack based on your requirements, skills, and resources. Salesforce Lightning supports a wide range of technologies, so choose the ones that best meet your needs.
  • Define Your User Experience: Define your user experience and user interface. Create wireframes and prototypes to visualize the user interface and get feedback from stakeholders.
  • Create a Project Plan: Create a project plan that outlines the development process, including milestones, timelines, and resources. This helps you keep track of progress and ensures that you deliver your application on time and within budget.
  • Test Your Application: As a Salesforce application development company, we define your testing strategy and plan, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. This helps you ensure that your application meets your functional requirements and is free from defects.
  • Deploy and Maintain Your Application: Define your deployment and maintenance strategy, including release management, version control, and ongoing support. This helps you ensure that your application is stable, secure, and available to your users.

By following these steps, you can plan your app development effectively and ensure that your Salesforce Lightning application meets your objectives and satisfies your target audience. You can avail our Salesforce application development services, if you find yourself struggling deploying these practices.

Salesforce Lightning Best Practices

Salesforce Lightning is a powerful platform that enables businesses to build custom applications for their Salesforce CRM systems. Here are some best practices for developing applications on Salesforce Lightning:

  1. Plan Your App Development: Before you start developing your Salesforce Lightning application, you should take some time to plan out the development process. Identify the goals and objectives of your application, and determine what functionality and features you need to include to meet those goals.
  2. Use Standard Components: Use standard Lightning components whenever possible. This helps ensure consistency and reduces the amount of code you need to write.
  3. Optimize Performance: Pay close attention to performance when building your application. Use best practices like lazy loading and caching to improve performance and minimize load times.
  4. Use Lightning Design System (LDS): The Lightning Design System (LDS) provides a set of guidelines and best practices for building consistent, responsive, and visually appealing applications. Using LDS ensures that your application looks and behaves like other Salesforce applications.
  5. Test Your Application: Test your application thoroughly before releasing it. Use tools like Lightning Test Service and Selenium to automate testing and reduce the risk of errors.
  6. Follow Security Guidelines: Salesforce has comprehensive security guidelines that you should follow when building your application. This includes things like authentication, authorization, and data protection.
  7. Document Your Code: Document your code thoroughly so that other developers can understand it. With the help of Javadoc, you can easily get API documentation.
  8. Implement Error Handling: Implement error handling to make sure your application handles errors gracefully. Use try-catch blocks to catch and handle exceptions, and provide meaningful error messages to users.
  9. Monitor and Debug Your Application: Monitor your application for performance issues, errors, and bugs. Use tools like the Salesforce Lightning Inspector to debug your application and identify issues.
  10. Keep Learning: Keep up to date with the latest Salesforce Lightning developments and best practices by attending events, reading blogs, and participating in the Salesforce community.

Final Words

As a salesforce development company, we claim to offer best practices in terms of seamless salesforce integration. To know more about our services, feel free to reach out!

Categories Software Development

Assign different lightning pages to specific profiles/application

Create different lightning pages for each and every object and assign it to the specific profiles/application.

This is the step by step guide on creating a new lightning application, new record detail page for any given object and assign it to specific profiles and our own application.

1. Creating a new Lightning Application

2. Enter the name | Choose logo | click Next

3. Since we are creating a normal application, click on Standard Navigation | Click Next

4. Click on Add for Utility Bar Items | Click Next

5. Under the list of available objects, select objects and add it | click Next

6. Select Profiles to access this application | click Save & finish

7. Open the App Launcher and select our brand new App

8. Open any object and sample records and see how it looks, we chose Account object , this home page we are going to change and assign the new home page to our app

9. To create a new record detail page, click on Setup | Lightning App Builder | New

10. Choose Record Page | Click Next

11. Name the Page | Select the Object | Click Next  (Note : we choose Accounts)

12. We have standard page templates, feel free to preview them and choose one. We choose Three columns | Click Finish

13. From the available standard components, drag and drop to the add components area.

14. After adding the components, this is how it looks like | Click Save

15. Once you click save, click Activate

16. Select App default | Click on Assign as App default

17. Choose our app | Click Next | Click Save.

18.  To assign this to profile, click on “Activate” again | Select App, record type and profile | Click Assign

  1. Choose our new application | Choose “Master” record type | Choose “Profiles” | Click Next & Save
  2. Click Save again


Here is our brand new Account detail page:

Note: In order to see the new changes, please switch to salesforce classic and switch back to Lightning experience.

The CloudFountain Inc.  team is glad to help you implement the best solutions in Salesforce and Lightning. Please feel free to provide your invaluable feedback and questions.

Categories Software Development

What is CPQ?

What is CPQ ?

What is CPQ? It is a software tool that helps companies generate quotes more quickly and efficiently for the products and/or services they offer.

In today’s world, we like to have things our way and that too which suits our need. We tend to have as much customization as we can in our lives and in our day to day tasks. Why not have it when buying services? So, in the world of buying/selling products, a company should come up with ways of providing a combination of their offering.

CPQ software helps to manage the price of all products and services. It enables the sales team to create quotes with an actual price that includes an additional discount, block price, and total percentage. Advanced pricing rules can be defined to handle volume discount, number of subscription, channel and partner pricing.

CPQ software provides the solution to all the three major steps of any business that is selling a product. With just a few clicks, a sales rep can create quotes, and have a document in a pdf format, send an email that has e-signature. All this can be done with accuracy using steelbrick.

C- Configure ProductsP-Pricing and DiscountQ-Quote
  • The process of identifying and combining the product and services based on customer needs.
  • CPQ software enables the sales team to align customer requirements following business rules and constraints.
  • When buying a product, a customer would look for and be attracted to deals wherein they get more discount or bundle price.
  • It is very difficult to maintain different pricing, bundle price and discounts without a software and if a salesperson misquotes the price, it would lead to a disinterested customer and loss of the deal.
  • A company cannot earn unless and until a deal gets closed with a presentable quote.
  • Sales reps put in a lot of time and effort in earning an opportunity from a potential buyer and unless and until he comes up with a correct quote and that too in a presentable and understandable format. The buyers wouldn’t budge, or the deal wouldn’t go through.
  • Quotes are filled with correct data and sent directly to the customer through various channels like pdf, email, DocuSign, print to name few.

CloudFountain inc. provides the solution in CPQ (Steelbrick, Apttus). Please feel free to contact

We would love to hear your feedback.

Categories Software Development

What is RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

What it is and why you should implement it

RPA: Robotic Process Automation.

What it is and why you should implement it

Throughout the world technology advances at an increasingly fast rate, which is why estimates show that in the coming years up to 45% of work duties will be automated while most client interactions will be made with emergent technology.
This technological advance has always been referenced from books to sci-fi movies, fantasizing about automated systems and robots that would take care of ordinary chores making human life easier and more comfortable. Nowadays, this is becoming our reality as software development has evolved exponentially, which brings us to a trending topic: RPA.

What is Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic Process Automation or RPA being one of the most recent technological breakthroughs, far from physical hardware, it’s based in virtual systems designed to make processes and work tasks easier and more efficient. In other terms, it gathers all technology oriented to the use of software with the purpose of diminishing human interference, especially in monotonous assignments.
RPA’s fundamental benefit is the capacity that it carries to generate automatizations and accelerate data processing with the mixed use of the internet and state-of-the-art equipment. Furthermore, this development leads to the accomplishment of decreased cost production of processes whilst allowing companies to innovate with dexterity and promote digital advancements.

Benefits of RPA

Although RPA’s benefits are limitless, some of the most prominent ones are:
● Cost and time efficient, given that software systems can complete tasks faster than a human being.
● Margin of error is virtually zero as it’s meticulously designed for each task and process that the company may demand and requires no human intervention.
● Fast and instantaneous, as a result of an agile implementation, results are given with no delay.
● Augments productivity, granting more profits.
● Ability to be implemented with auxiliary technologies.
● Non-intrusive, as it is able to be executed without any disruption to any other system. Robots can be effortlessly connected to web applications without the need of in-person technical support.
Considering the aforementioned benefits, RPA is an ideal complement to any enterprise’s productivity, rentability and efficiency thanks to software automatization of systems and the ability of its customizability to manage any task that’s required.

Why should you innovate with RPA in your project?

Artificial Intelligence or AI, is the latest of what technology is able to bring to our world and it’s being implemented in everything that surrounds us, as AI is no longer a tendency but an essential tool that makes our lives ever so slightly easier with each and every laborious task that otherwise would take longer and more effort to perform. RPA ensures that you have the ability to study your project, create a plan to highlight and vastly improve your company by reducing the needed workforce to attain the same results.
Large companies in the world use RPA in many of their processes, many come from repetitive tasks such as answering questions, changing airline tickets, placing prices on products, among others.
Walmart, Deutsche Bank, AT&T, Vanguard, Ernst & Young, Walgreens, Anthem and American Express Global Business Travel are among the many enterprises adopting RPA.
If you need help in building your business case for RPA, do not hesitate in consulting CloudFountain and if you require more information about this topic, there’s extra information in our webpage.