Database is in Use

MicroStrategy is a platform which provides Business Intelligence service, interactive dashboards, scorecards, highly formatted reports, ad hoc query, thresholds and alerts, and automated report distribution.

Integrating and other applications with MicroStrategy, will turbocharge your operational reporting with advanced analytics and excellent visualization in MicroStrategy.

In such an environment, MicroStrategy is able to mix data from Sales, product, operations with financial data and give insights which are not possible to derive from just one application. These reports can be displayed inside using a Canvas application. This enables users to view MicroStrategy reports without navigating out of Salesforce.

Some of the problems encountered in MicroStrategy in such integrations are:

1. Database is in Use.

Solution: Set the CreateDB parameter to 2.

The following are valid values for the ‘Create Database/CreateDB’ setting:

  • If set to 0 (No), the driver will check to see if a database exists and if does not find one the connection will fail.   The driver will not attempt to create the locally embedded database.
  • If set to 1 (ForceNew), the driver will delete the existing database if it exists and will create a new database for each new connection.
  • If set to 2 (NotExist), and the driver detects an existing database it will not attempt to create the database.  If the driver does not find an existing database it will create the database.

2. QueryEngine encountered error: Connect failed.

2017-10-01 20:21:41.534-05:00 [][PID:xxxx][THR:2837067520][Query Engine][Error][0x80042300] QueryEngine encountered error: Connect failed.

Error type: Odbc error. Odbc operation attempted: SQLDriverConnect. [HY000:-40: on SQLHANDLE] [MicroStrategy][ODBC Salesforce driver][Salesforce]General error: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: Provider could not be instantiated: java.lang.NoClassDefFo Connection String: DSN=SF;;..

Solution: This is due to JDK environment setup issue and requires a manual restart.

3. “column not found” issue

Solution: “REFRESH SCHEMA SFORCE;” before the query of the cube, so this should run every time the cube is executed.

If you need any additional details on and integration, please feel free to contact

Author: CloudFountain

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