Categories Salesforce

Ultimate Guide to undergo successful digital marketing.

Digital marketing is becoming complicated but essential wouldn’t you agree?

Now, That’s why we put together this Digital Marketing guide.

“Marketing used to be considered an Art, but nowadays, it’s a more of a Science.”

If you can master both the art and the science of Digital marketing then you are bound to be successful.This guide is divided into key sections that address each Digital Marketing focus area that you should be aware of and perfect as you reach out to your prospects and community at large.

So let’s get started!

Here’s what’s inside:

Part 1

How digital marketing is different than traditional corporate marketing

Now Firstly Let’s talk about What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is any online activity with the intention to:

  1. Grab attention of your visitors
  2. Drive people to your website
  3. Convince those people to join your email list, buy your product, or download your app

Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing is measurable. Which means you can identify what’s working, do more of it, and stop wasting time on failed campaigns.

Digital Marketing begins with traffic and when it comes to driving Traffic we tend to do these two common mistakes:-

1- We Don’t Try Any Traffic Strategies: We think our material should “sell itself.” It’s great, so people will just naturally find it…right!? We write posts that should go viral, that should inspire people to share, that should lead to people flooding our site and paying for our services. But the truth is, it just doesn’t work like that. We need to be active about promoting our material by getting it in front of our ideal audience.

2-We try every traffic strategy: It’s easy to get sucked into the digital marketing vortex :- SEO, PPC, Twitter, Snapchat, Affiliates you name it, there are some “gurus” out there telling you it’s the ONLY way to make money. “Get on board or you’ll be left behind!” The result is that we spend our time (and our money) in an ad-hoc fashion chasing the “next big thing” in digital marketing.

Neither plan is bound to work. But focusing on a few key strategies can take a small blog that nobody reads and turn it into a multimillion-dollar business.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to be strategic about digital marketing. You’ll discover how to start with the fundamentals, and scale up as you grow.

Part 2

Your 3-Step Digital Marketing Plan

So the 3-Step Digital Marketing Plan Consists of:

Step 1: Know who your customer is

A huge mistake is “trying out” digital marketing. It’s easier to set up a bunch of websites and landing pages and Google Analytics than to actually understand people. But when you create a digital marketing plan and understand your customer upfront, everything becomes easier:

  • You know exactly what to publish on your blog every time you sit down to write.
  • You instinctively understand the perfect audience of buyers for your ads.
  • You naturally start to form relationships with bigger businesses, creating profitable partnerships almost effortlessly.

So, Let’s Talk About A Strategy Called Immersive Strategy 101:-

There are three ways to get inside your customer’s head-

  1. Keep a running list of every time someone in your market mentions something about the following: a pain point, a fear, a hope, a dream, an obstacle. These are the deep emotional words and phrases that give you a clear picture of your market.
  2. Use a variety of sources when researching your market — Google searches, articles, Amazon reviews, Q&A sites like Quora and Reddit, and 1-on-1 conversations with people.
  3. Be playful and approach research with “a child’s mind.” What we mean by that is, be open to whatever you may find — gather notes on things like interesting phrases you find or surprising admissions from your market.

This sounds easy, but it’s not. However, the longer you practice the Immersion Strategy, the faster you’ll be able to speak to your customers in exactly the language they understand.

Step 2:Set One Goal

The way to grow is to focus on the ONE result you want from your marketing plan. Do you want:

  • To grow your email list?
  • Make more sales?
  • Snag a high-profile speaking gig?

Once you Set in on ONE goal, what you need to do to get there becomes much easier to figure out.

Step 3: Work backwards from your goal

Once you know your market, know your goal, and know what to focus on, it’s just a matter of simple math to create your digital marketing plan.

Let’s say the following two facts are true:

  1. Your goal is 1,000 new email subscribers in one year
  2. Currently you are getting an average of 10 new subscribers per week

At the current rate, you’ll get 520 subscribers if you continue doing what you’re doing now. (10 subscribers/week x 52 weeks per year).

So to reach your goal, you need to essentially double your current subscriber rate.

To do that you have 2 options:

  • Double your conversions (meaning twice as many of the people that visit your site opt in to your list)
  • Double your traffic (meaning more total people land on your site each week)

Part 3

Role of Social Media in Digital Marketing


Through social networking sites, you can directly interact with your customer base. You read their status updates and tweets to get into their day to day lives. As a result, you can manage your marketing strategy also. Additionally, we at #CloudFountain advice our customers to integrate social media with their CRM, e.g. enable social accounts in Salesforce.


When you stay in front of your customer base, they are more likely to buy from you. Social media marketing does not just keep your companies name in front of your target audience, but also gives you the opportunity to give them incentives to buy.


Social networking sites are very important for your business because it makes your business easier and more accessible for new customers and makes you more familiar and recognizable for existing customers. Social networking sites are the new channels for your company’s voice and content.


When you make a post or update your status on social networking sites is an opportunity for customers to convert. Your every post, status update, image or comment you share is a chance for someone to react, and every reaction could lead to a site visit and eventually a conversion. Not every reaction could lead to conversion, but every positive interaction may lead to conversation.


Research carried on customer insights that people are more loyal to brands that have an improved social media presence. It is because a socially active brand relates to its customer well. In order to relate, the customer who needs to understand your brand well needs to understand yourself well. So, you need to be active in social media to make your brand well defined. The more value you create for your audience more defined the set of definition goes. So, you need to be active on social media. The more your brand is active, more you gain on values. A socially active brand usually make it to the top of the mark.

This was the guide to a successful digital marketing strategy plan. Let us know about your experience while implementing the strategies and we will be eager to answer your queries. We at #CloudFountain Inc. are happy to assist with your digital marketing strategy and CRM practices.

Categories Salesforce

Amazon Connect Integration with Salesforce Service Cloud

What is Amazon Connect:

Amazon Connect is a cloud-based service made to simplify your contact center needs. With Amazon Connect, companies can improve their customer service experience at a lower cost while being able to scale with business needs. The Amazon Connect CTI connector brings the power of Amazon Connect to Salesforce Service Cloud.

Sign Up for an AWS Account

  1. Visit
  2. In the upper-right corner, click Create an AWS Account.
  3. Complete the form and click Continue.
  4. Select Personal Account and fill in your contact information.
  5. Click Create Account and Continue.
  6. Next, enter your payment information. Don’t worry, you use only Free Tier services, so if you follow the project steps, you won’t be billed.
  7. Click Continue

Complete the Verification Process

  1. Enter your phone number and the security check characters, then click Call Me Now. The Identity Verification screen displays a PIN.
  2. When you receive a phone call from AWS, enter the PIN.
  3. Click Continue to select your Support Plan.
  4. Leave the default selection and click Continue.
  5. Wait a couple of minutes for account creation to complete on the back end, and then click Sign in to the Console.
  6. If prompted, enter your email address and password.

Set Up Your Amazon Connect Instance

    1. From the AWS Console dashboard, click All services. Under the Customer Engagement category, click Amazon Connect.
      Note: Amazon Connect isn’t available in all regions. If you’re not currently in one of the available regions, you’re prompted to select one. Amazon Connect is currently available in Asia Pacific (Sydney), EU (Frankfurt), and US East (N. Virginia).


    1. Click US East (N. Virginia).
    2. Click Get started.
    3. On the Identity management page, make sure Store users within Amazon Connect is selected.


    1. In the Access URL field, enter a unique value.
      Note: This value becomes your instance name. Write this and the resulting access URL down. You need them later in the project.
    2. Click Next Step
    3. On the Create an Administrator page, make sure Add a new admin is selected.
  1. Complete the form to create your admin account. Make note of the admin username and password you choose. Then click Next Step.
  2. On the Telephony Options page, make sure both boxes are checked, then click Next step.
  3. On the Data Storage page, click Next Step.
  4. Review the information on the Review and Create page, then click Create instance.

In a minute or so, you’re able to start using your Amazon Connect instance.

Note: Write down your access URL, since you need it later.

Configure Your Amazon Connect Instance

    1. Click Get started.
    2. You’re directed to your access URL. Click Let’s go.
    3. We need a phone number to make use of Amazon Connect’s features, so you’re presented with a couple of options to select one.
  1. From the Country dropdown, select United States.
    Note: If you select another country, make sure you know your country’s dialling prefix and two-letter code.
  2. In the Type dropdown, make sure Direct Dial is selected.
  3. Select a number from the Phone number dropdown.
    Note: Write down this phone number. You need it later.

Test Your New Instance

You can now make inbound and outbound calls. If your browser asks to use your computer’s microphone, allow access. You also see the Contact Control Panel, and if all permissions are set, it looks like this.
Now test your calling capabilities.

    1. Use another phone to call the number you claimed.
    2. Listen to the options, then press 1 for an agent. Your Contact Control Panel indicates that your call center is receiving an incoming call.
  1. Click Accept call.
  2. Click End call. The Contact Control Panel switches to the AfterCallWork mode, which gives the agent time to finish up actionable items.

Let’s try outbound call
a. Click Dial number.
b. Enter a phone number where you receive calls, then click Dial.
c. When your phone rings, answer it. You can hang up your phone or click End call in the Contact Control Panel.

Create an Additional Agent Profile

We have just a few more steps to finish configuring our Amazon Connect instance. We’re going to integrate with Service Cloud, so it can help to create additional agents. These agents can be selected by your user profile in Salesforce.

    1. In Amazon Connect, click the Users icon in the left navigation, then click User management.
    1. Click Add new users.
    2. Make sure Create and set up a new user is selected, then click Next.
  1. Fill in the new user form. For this agent profile, choose a login name that is different from the username you chose when you set up your admin account. Write down the agent login name and password, as you need that information in the next section.
  2. For Routing Profile, select Basic Routing Profile.
  3. For Security Profiles, select Agent.
  4. For Phone Type, make sure Soft phone is selected.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Create users.

Amazon Connect CTI Adapter for Salesforce

  1. In Setup, navigate to the Amazon Connect CTI Adapter listing on the AppExchange.
  2. Click Get It Now.
  3. When prompted to log in to Salesforce, Click Install in Production.
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions, then click Confirm and Install.
  5. Select Install for All Users, then click Install.
  6. Click Done

Configuring the Amazon Connect CTI Adapter

    1. Setup | Call Center | click the name of your new call center | Click Edit
    1. Under Amazon Connect Information, In the Amazon Connect CCP URL fieldreplace YOURINSTANCENAME with your Amazon Connect instance name. 

  • Click Save.


Since you’ll be placing a call, you need to add yourself as a call center user. This gives you the ability to see and use the phone icon and other features.

    1. Click Manage Call Center Users.
  1. Click Add More Users.
  2. Set search criteria to find your own Salesforce user and click Find.
  3. Select your user, and click Add to Call Center.

Now let’s whitelist your Salesforce Visualforce domain within your Amazon Connect’s Application integration. Find more information about whitelisting on the Amazon Connect Streams documentation.

  • In Salesforce Setup, type visual into the Quick Find box, then click Visualforce Pages.
  • In the Name column, click the link that ends in “_Lightning” where the Namespace Prefix is amazonconnect.
  • Click Preview and copy the URL from the address bar in your browser.
  • Navigate to Amazon Connect (under Customer Engagement in All Settings), and click your Instance Alias (not the Access URL).
  • On the left-hand pane, click Application integration.

Add Phone Panel to the Service Console Utility Item

  1. In Salesforce Lightning Setup, enter app manager in the Quick Find box, then click App Manager.
  2. Next to Service Console, click the down arrow, and click Edit.
  3. In the Edit App screen, click Utility Bar in the upper navigation bar.
  4. Next to Utility Bar Items, click Add.
  5. From the list of components, click Open CTI Softphone.
  6. Click Save, then click Done.


Open any salesforce account record, enter the phone number, the phone dial widget would appear. Click on that to initiate the call.

Note: It may take up to 30 minutes for the phone dialler to work.

To learn more about Amazon Connect and Salesforce Integration: Click the below link

Categories Salesforce

Salesforce lightning – force:showToast

Toast are the message box or you can say notification box which you can use to show messages/notification on top of the view.

Toast displays a message below in the header at the top of the view.

In this blog, we are going to learn about how to show toast in salesforce Lightning record page by using “force:showToast”.


Toast event is handled by the container and it is supported in Lightning Experience, Salesforce app, and Lightning communities.

force:showToast is not available on login pages.

Now let’s learn attribute of the toast.

Toast Attributes:-

  1. title: Specifies the title of toast.
  2. message: Specifies the message to display.
  3. messageTemplate: If you want to override the ‘message’ which is specified in message attribute then you can use this attribute along with ‘messageTemplateData’.
  4. messageTemplateData: To show the overridden message you must use this attribute.
  5. key: Specifies the icon on toast when the type is not defined.Icon keys are available at the Lightning Design System Resources page.
  6. duration: Specifies the duration of toast to be shown.after specified duration toast will automatically disappear.
  7. type: the toast type which can be “error”, “warning”, “success”, “info”.The default is “other”, which is styled like an info toast and doesn’t display an icon, unless specified by the “key” attribute.
  8. mode: Controls how users can dismiss the toast. The default is “dismissible”, which displays the close button.valid mode values are:-
  • dismissible: Remains visible until you press the close button or duration has elapsed, whichever comes first.
  • pester: Remains visible until duration has elapsed. No close button is displayed.
  • sticky: Remains visible until you press the close buttons.

Now we will focus on building such interesting ‘Toast’ in our environment.

Create lightning component named “ToastComponent” and paste below code in your component.


<aura:component implements=”flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes” access=”global” >
<lightning:button label=”Information” variant=”brand” onclick=”{!c.showInfoToast}” />
<lightning:button label=”Error” variant=”destructive” onclick=”{!c.showErrorToast}” />
<lightning:button label=”Warning” variant=”inverse” onclick=”{!c.showWarningToast}” class = “warning_cls” />
<lightning:button label=”Success” variant=”inverse” onclick=”{!c.showSuccessToast}” class = “success_cls” />

view rawToastComponent.cmp.xml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

.THIS .warning_cls {
background : #FFB75F !important;
.THIS .success_cls {
background : #04842D !important;

view rawToastComponent.css hosted with ❤ by GitHub

showInfoToast : function(component, event, helper) {
var toastEvent = $A.get(“e.force:showToast”);
title : ‘Info Toast Message’,
message: ‘This is Info Toast…!!!’,
duration:’ 4000′,
key: ‘info_alt’,
type: ‘info’,
mode: ‘dismissible’
showSuccessToast : function(component, event, helper) {
var toastEvent = $A.get(“e.force:showToast”);
title : ‘Success Toast Message’,
message: ‘This is Success Toast…!!!’,
duration:’ 4000′,
key: ‘info_alt’,
type: ‘success’,
mode: ‘pester’
showErrorToast : function(component, event, helper) {
var toastEvent = $A.get(“e.force:showToast”);
title : ‘Error Toast Message’,
message:’This is Error Toast…!!!’,
messageTemplate: ‘Mode is pester ,duration is 4sec and Message is overrriden’,
duration:’ 4000′,
key: ‘info_alt’,
type: ‘error’,
mode: ‘pester’
showWarningToast : function(component, event, helper) {
var toastEvent = $A.get(“e.force:showToast”);
title : ‘Warning Toast Message’,
message: ‘This is Warning Toast…!!!’,
messageTemplate: ‘Mode is sticky ,duration is 4sec and Message is overrriden because messageTemplateData is {1}’,
messageTemplateData: [‘Salesforce Lightning’, {
url: ‘’,
label: ‘Click Here’,
duration:’ 4000′,
key: ‘info_alt’,
type: ‘warning’,
mode: ‘sticky’

view rawToastComponentController.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Now our component is ready.

Next step is to show our component on home page.

Go to Home Page and click on “Edit Page” under setup menu.

Select “ToastComponent” under “Custom” tab and drag it below Assistant(right side of page).

You can see your “ToastComponent” like below –

Click on “Save” and “Activate” your component to system default (for all users) and refresh home page.

Let’s test our component.

  1. Click on “Information” button and see “Information Toast
  2. Click on “Error” button and see “Error Toast
  3. Click on “Warning” button and see “Warning Toast
  4. Click on “Success” button and see “Success Toast

Excellent Job…!!! Keep Learning…

Categories Salesforce

Brand Your Community Snap-ins Chat

Salesforce has introduced a new way of connecting and communicating with customers by using the Live Agent through a lightning component: Snap-ins.

We have already written about how to configure the live agent in communities , please find it here which is required to perform the steps mentioned in this article.

Now we are going to discuss how to display company logo, company banner, Agent avatar, waiting state image in that chat window.

Adding the logo’s and images to the documents folder:

  • Navigate to Documents Tab | Create a New Folder with Read/Write Permission and Give Access to all users by selecting “This folder is accessible by all users”
  • Once the folder is created, Click on that Folder and Click “New Document”.
  • Enter Document Name | Select “Externally available image” | Ensure the folder is the one which you have created | Choose File | Click Save

Upload document to Salesforce.

  • Open the Folder which you have created and click View for your document.

  • Copy the URL as mentioned below.
  • Go to Community Builder (Setup | Customize | Communities | All Communities | Click “Builder” next to your community).
  • Go to Page Structure, Choose “Snap-ins” component, Paste the URL in Pre-chat Background Image URL (See reference image below).
  • Similarly, upload all the documents, get their URL and paste it in Agent Avatar, Company logo page. This is how it will appear.

Note: Required Dimensions for the images:

Pre-Chat Banner: 320 * 100

Minimized Logo: 25 * 25

Waiting State: 200 * 60

Agent Avatar: 40 * 40

We would love to hear your feedback and understand how we can improve upon it.

Categories Salesforce

Implementing Sales Cloud Einstein

Sales Cloud Einstein is a complete AI solution for sales teams that increases sales productivity with machine learning and business sentiment analysis. Sales Cloud Einstein includes automation of key processes, lead scoring, and insights about relevant accounts and opportunities.

Please review the below table to understand more about Sales Cloud Einstein features.

However in this article, we are going to implement sales cloud Einstein and enable those above mentioned features.

Sales Cloud Einstein Implementation: For Admins

1. Create & Assign Sales Cloud Einstein Permission Set

a. Ensure you have enough number of Sales Cloud Einstein Permission set license, to check navigate to :

Setup | Company Profile | Company information | Under Permission Set Licenses: “Sales Cloud Einstein”.

b. Assign Sales Cloud Einstein permission set license to user :

Setup | manage users | users | select any user | under “permission set license assignment” related list | Edit Assignment | Assign “Sales Cloud Einstein” permission set license to this user.

c. Create permission set and assign it to users.

=> Navigate to : Setup | manage users | Permission set | new | Enter the Label

=> Choose License: Sales Cloud Einstein | Save.

=> Click on App permissions | Edit and enable the following features

– Use Einstein Account Insights

– Use Einstein Activity Capture

– Use Einstein Lead Scoring

– Use Einstein Automated Contacts

– Use Einstein Opportunity Insights

2. Enable Sales Cloud Einstein Features

  • Switch to Lightning : Click on Setup
  • Navigate to : Feature Settings | Sales | Einstein Activity Capture | Einstein Setup Assistant

3. Wait 24 hours and Modify Page Layouts and List views

  • Include Einstein lightning Component to Account Page, Open any Account record.
  • Click on the setup icon and click Edit Page
  • From App Builder, include the Einstein Component to the page layout

Sales Cloud Einstein Implementation : For Users.

Once salesforce admin enabled Sales Cloud Einstein and setup the permissions , once users logged in they would see a prompt to start using Einstein.

Clicking the link will redirect them to associate email and calendar either Office 365 or Gmail to salesforce in order to start using Einstein Activity Capture.

After this is one-time setup process, users will be provided an option to control their activity visibility within salesforce, either they can share with everyone or any specific group or only within themselves.

Important Aspects of Sales Cloud Einstein

a. Einstein Lead Scoring : Focus on highest value leads first

    • From Setup | Einstein Sales | Assisted Setup
    • If it’s your first time visiting the setup page, click Get Started.

Note : The Sales Cloud Einstein setup page shows all the steps you need for Sales Cloud Einstein deployment, including how to assign Einstein to users.

    • Click Set Up next to Einstein Leading Scoring.
    • On the Settings page, click Set Up Now.
    • Choose the lead conversion milestone that matches your business practices. Does your sales team create opportunities when they convert leads, or do they simply convert leads to accounts and contacts?
    • Click Enable.
    • Using the Lightning App Builder, make sure that the Einstein Lead Score component was added to Lightning pages for leads. In Salesforce Classic, add the Einstein Score field to lead page layouts. The Einstein Score field can’t be used on the same page layout as the Lead Score Distribution or Conversion Rate by Lead Score report components.
    • After insights are available, add the Einstein Score field to public lead list views. Salesforce automatically adds this field to default list views.

b. Einstein Opportunity Insights : Secures opportunities and reduced forecast risk

Note : Follow same steps as Einstein Lead Scoring to enable Opportunity Insight and other following features

c. Einstein Account Insights : Discovers key business developments impacting your customers

d. Einstein Activity Capture : Logs data automatically so you can spend more time selling

e. Einstein Automated Contacts : Detects & recommends new contacts that can be added in few clicks

Note :

1. Opportunity Insights requires Activity Capture

2. Einstein Requires Standard Lead Conversion to Opportunity

3. Einstein Activity Capture requires Gmail / Office 365

4. Need to check your Sales Cloud Einstein Readiness?

Important FAQ’s:

1. Do I need to deploy to all users?

No, Once the permission set license is available, you can decide on how many users should have access to sales cloud Einstein

2. Is Lightning Required?

Yes, To benefit from the rich UX visualizations of Sales Cloud Einstein (e.g., Einstein Lead Scoring and Einstein Opportunity Insights in Assistant), you need to be on Salesforce Lightning.

If you are still on salesforce classic, you can still use the lead score from Einstein Lead Scoring as a field. However , you will not get the visibility into why the lead was scored as such.

  • Image and Features table source: Salesforce

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CloudFountain Inc. provides Salesforce Implementation services including custom development, Salesforce integration, Salesforce Lightning development, Salesforce communities, technical debt reduction, etc.